Pre-School Committee


It’s important to remember that Roxwell Pre-school is a charity. It is run by a committee of parent and community volunteers who offer their time and energy to promote and support our lovely little village pre-school.

The committee works hand in hand with the pre-school manager and staff, and is vital to ensure the smooth running of the pre-school. We hold half-termly meetings to plan fundraising events, check the budget remains on track and ensure that the needs of all children and staff are being met.

Being a committee member is a very rewarding role. Not only is it a great way to get to know the staff better and to meet other parents, it’s also hugely gratifying and great fun! It gives you a real insight into what goes on behind the scenes at pre-school as well as the opportunity to have a genuine impact on your child’s early year’s education.

Details of the current committee members are displayed on the children’s family noticeboard just inside the main door, on the left hand side wall in pre-school.

Committee Roles


Our Chairperson at present is Yasmin Hector

The Chairperson is the main point of contact for committee members, staff and external parties but their main role is to support the pre-school manager, with whom they form a close relationship. The role is fantastically varied, offering an opportunity to get involved in everything from staff recruitment and appraisals, to policy development and fundraising projects.

At committee meetings the Chairperson is responsible for setting the agenda and co-ordinating roles in any plans that are made. They also keep confidential records of terms and conditions of employment up to date.
No experience is necessary to become a Chairperson, and there are always plenty of existing/former committee members and staff on hand to answer questions and offer support.


Our Treasurer at present is Nicola Kitteridge

The Treasurer oversees the pre-school finances and checks the bank account regularly to ensure the finances and budgets are on track along with liaising with our Pre-school Accountant. The Treasurer and Accountant prepare financial reports for each committee meeting.

Funding Officer

Our Funding Officer at present is Yasmine Hector.

The Funding Officer deals with Essex County Council via the Early Years Portal ensuring all our free early education entitlement (FEEE) funded children are processed into the portal using the signed parent agreement forms for each term and the funding entitlement is submitted and gained each term for headcount day as well as completing the online census required when funding entitlement is in place.


Our Secretary at present is Kathy Johnson.

The Secretary is responsible for taking the minutes at the committee meetings, distributing the minutes and any other relevant information to committee members.


Our fundraisers at present is Kathy Johnson and Louise Sexty.

Our fundraisers do an amazing job co-ordinating fundraising events. This is a fun and rewarding role that directly benefits the children as all funds raised are spent on toys and equipment for the pre-school. Publicity, gift gathering and events co-ordination are some of the things our fundraisers have the chance to be involved in.

Annual General Meeting

We hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September/October each year when new committee members are elected. Usually members join the committee for a minimum of a year though many people choose to stay on for longer. At our AGM we seek volunteers for any vacancies we may have.

The committee requires a minimum of 6 members and a maximum of 12 although there are always opportunities for non-committee members to get involved. If you are interested in finding out more about the role of the Pre-school Committee or are interested in joining the Committee, please speak to a current committee member or a member of staff.